
The fineness of the grounds has a major influence on the brows, and compares the consistency of the grind with the brewing method is critical to extracting the optimum amount of the flavor of roasted beans. Brewing, in which the reasons for coffee hot water for a longer duration of a coarser grind faster than brewing methods. Beans, the fine for the brewing method, in which it is used, too much space for the hot water and produce a bitter, harsh, "extracted about" taste. At the other end of the spectrum, a very rough grind is a weak, watery, to taste result.

The rate of degradation increases when the coffee is ground, as a result of the larger surface area exposed to oxygen. With the rise of gourmet coffee as a beverage, it has become much more popular to grind the beans at home before brewing, and there are many household appliances, for the process.

There are three methods for the production of coffee grounds for brewing.


This method is based on the ridge, with two rotating elements crushing or tearing "the bean, and with less risk of burning. Burr grinders can either bike or conical, with the latter are quieter and less likely to clog. Burr grinders "mill" the coffee at a reasonable size accordance with a promotion, albeit more brewed.

  • Conical burr mills, the most aromatic and very fine and consistent reasons. The complicated structure of steel ridges allows high gear to slow the speed grinding. The slower the speed, the less heat gives the ground coffee, thus preserving the maximum amount of flavor. Because of the large number of these mills grind settings are ideal for all types of coffee equipment: espresso, drip, percolators, French press. Better conical burr mills can grind extra fine for the preparation of Turkish coffee. Grinding speed is usually under 500 rpm.
  • Burr grinders with hard edges grind type is usually a faster speed than conical burr mills and as a result tend to create a bit more heat in the coffee. They are the cheapest way to a consistent grind in a wide range of applications. They are well suited for most home coffee preparation.


Most modern "grinders" actually chop the beans into pieces (and some coffee drinkers just a house mixer to do the job). Although a much longer life before wearing the sheets, the result is dramatically less effective in the production of a homogeneous grind, and therefore will be a degraded product in the cup.

Blade grinders "smash" the beans with a sheet with very high speed (20000 and 30000 rpm). The ground coffee is larger and smaller particles and is warmer than ground coffee from burr mills. Blade grinders create "coffee dust, which can clog up screens espresso machines and French press. These mills are (in theory) only suitable for drip coffee makers although the product worse as a result. In addition, a great job for grinding spices and herbs. They are not for use with pump espresso machines.


Turkish coffee is infused with sake of almost powdery fineness. In the absence of a sufficiently high quality burr grinder, the only reliable way to achieve this is to pound the beans in a mortar and pestl.

From wikipedia